What We Do

At Casa Hogar Ave Fénix I.A.P.  we provide a home with a safe and healthy environment that covers all the basic needs of vulnerable children who come from situations of risk, mistreatment or abuse, and who cannot safely live with their families. They are integrated as part of our loving family. 


We provide constant, full-time support. We love and value each of the children. Our vision focuses on education and access to essential services. We teach and encourage the skills, ethical and spiritual values that will serve them for life. Our goal is to guide young people to become successful independent, upstanding and responsible adults, with the tools necessary to break the generational cycle of neglect, abuse, crime and addiction. We hope that in the future they will not only feel productive and secure with themselves, but can contribute to and be valued by society.

Lina Monroy Salazar, the founder and full time director of Casa Hogar Ave Fénix lives and works at the home. She puts every penny she earns from her very part-time real estate business into the home. (She has never earned a salary from Ave Fenix!) With the help of a very small staff, Lina makes sure all the children are well fed and healthy, go to school, and also have time to play and be creative

At Ave Fénix the  children learn to respect others and themselves, to take responsibility for their actions. They are taught to make their own beds, and help out in the home. Lina  is very, very patient, though kindly firm when needed. 

Lina is exhausted sometimes, but she thrives in the work she does, seeing the children’s lives turn around, now smiling, clean, well-fed, happy and thriving themselves. 

If you visit Ave Fénix (and Lina welcomes visitors anytime) you will see the love radiating from her eyes to the children’s eyes, and reflected back again. 

Without the help of many generous donors (like you?) none of this would be possible!